
Rising Museum Rag Matboard Cream 32x40 4 ply

Rising Museum Mounting Board is the first choice of framers, museums and conservators for the mounting, matting and preservation of fine prints and precious documents. Rising Museum Boards consist of 14 colors and manufactured with 100% cotton. The boards are acid-free, Neutral pH and buffered with calcium carbonate. Rising boards are sized for French matting and many artists use the boards for various fine art techniques such as drawing, charcoal, pastel, and silkscreening. • 100% Cotton Cotton is naturally lignin-free. One hundred percent rag is used to produce all Rising Museum Board. The result is a board that provides matchless quality and extraordinary preservation characteristics. Rag papers have survived the test of time. • Acid Free Rising Board is made with a minimum pH of 7 and is acid-free. No alum is used in the entire papermaking process. The single ply sheets are laminated together using an inert adhesive that is 100% acid-free and archival. • Buffered All Rising boards are buffered with a minimum 3% calcium carbonate (except the Photomount papers, which have no calcium carbonate buffering) as required by the U.S. Library of Congress to protect the board from hostile environmental factors. • Pigments Only the finest pigments are used in the manufacturing process to ensure that all the colors will not bleed nor fade. The lightfast colors are solid throughout and are fixed into the fiber. Each run of Museum Board is matched to a stored color sample and controlled using computerized colormeasurement and trained color technicians. • Rigid Quality Control & Consistency Rising Board is continuously tested during the manufacturing process by both computer and manual controls to ensure conformance to the TAPPI and ASTM specifications required by the archival community. • Superior Cutting No other board cuts as precisely as Rising to produce an ultra-sharp and clean bevel. To ensure this quality all plys are from the same quality and caliper with consistent density throughout.

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